Syngas & Ethylene | Paralloy
Providing robust components and fully fabricated assemblies,
designed to endure the demands of the Syngas and Ethylene markets

Syngas & Ethylene | Paralloy
Serving both the Syngas and Ethylene petrochemical markets, our innovative engineers rise to the challenge of providing world-class materials such as Optim-AL™, S-Mart™ and Omega™, our latest market leading innovations designed to provide high operating performance and reliability in the most demanding of conditions.
Working with our customers to provide solutions, our engineers are passionate about delivering
best-in-class results — which is reflected in the products we make.
Talk to us today about our ground-breaking technologies and solutions, which are designed to endure the extreme conditions found within the petrochemical industry.
Syngas & Ethylene | Paralloy
Syngas - Products & Solutions

Syngas | Paralloy
Steam Reformer Tubes
Materials used: H39WM+, H39WMR, and H39WM
Our reformer tubes are manufactured in a broad array of materials, including H39WM, H39WMR, and our latest innovation, H39WM+. This material offers superior heat-resistant properties and meets the stringent criteria for steam reforming furnaces with exceptional creep rupture strength and enhanced carburisation resistance.
Omega™ our latest technology which consists of an inner profiled tube surface, that gives higher heat transfer properties than conventional smooth bore reformer tubes.
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Syngas | Paralloy
Inlet/Outlet Manifolds
Materials used: CR32W
Our outlet headers or ‘manifolds’ are produced using CR32W, which was developed primarily for applications up to 1,000°C that are subject to high stresses, thermal fatigue, or thermal shock. CR32W’s low carbon content helps maintain tensile docility even after service ageing. By carefully controlling its composition, we are able to provide high creep ductility to assist relaxation of weld-zone residual stresses in thick sections. We also fabricate inlet manifolds for all current designs.
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Syngas | Paralloy
Direct Reduction
Materials used: Paralloy M.D. 69
Direct reduction processes operate at relatively low pressures with high temperatures. We have developed Paralloy M.D. 69 specifically to resist against metal dusting. That makes this alloy particularly useful within iron reduction furnaces.
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Ethylene - Products & Solutions

Ethylene | Paralloy
Ethylene Tubes
Materials used: OPTIM-AL, PEP, H46M, and H39WM
We produce ethylene coils in a range of materials, including OPTIM-AL, which features exceptional oxidation and carburisation resistance properties. Meanwhile, PEP increases plant throughput without compromising reliability and is available in bespoke internal profiles that suit most available ethylene technologies. H46M and H39WM both feature outstanding creep strength and carburisation resistance.
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Ethylene | Paralloy
Cracking Coils
Materials used: H46M, OPTIM-AL, PEP
Advanced centrifugal casting techniques, materials, and processes, have made Paralloy a leading manufacturer of radiant coils for ethylene production. Small diameter and thin-walled tubes meet the needs of current furnace designs, while product advances such as our internally-profiled PEP tube and OPTIM-AL alloys give the benefit of increased production throughput and longer run-time between de-cokes.
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